Sunday, 6 June 2010

Press Coverage

As i have been getting so much press coverage, I have made a bit on my website which directs you to all original articles and news coverage, now including the Telegraph, The Scotsman, MyFox News rather than putting up individual blogs with the appropriate link.

I'm still trying to get my hands on the BBC radio 5 live interview i gave earlier on this month, so watch out for it!

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Promotional video complete

well it's taken AGES of planning, hours of filming and days of editing to finish my video, all 1.04mins of it.

I decided, after searching for suitable music that actually my video doesn't need it. I like the simplicity and concentration towards my alarm signal. The alarm signal is the music i suppose!

Very proud and very happy with my first ever video!

Special thanks goes to 'knight scope media' for giving me advice on making a short video and for taking the time to come down to help me with the lighting, audio and of course for operating the camera! (hope i wasn't too bossy!)

Many thanks also go to paul creegan for giving me pointers on editing and using première pro!

Sunday, 9 May 2010

"Lack of sleep 'linked' to early death"

A BBC news article (04/05/10) discusses the study of 1.5 million people in over 16 studies that the duration of sleep could affect your health, leading to earlier death.

Too much sleep suggests that the body is in 'recovery' so something is medically wrong and the same with too little, under 5 hours equals something is wrong. The recommended 'safe' amount of sleep is 8 hours.


Available on: Ubergizmo


I am only blogging press where an individual describes my product using their own words. Replica articles are still really good but it is the same information just on another site.

My most popular replica's are coming from design sponge so lots of crafty, handmade blogs / yanko so industrial design blogs and TreeHugger so lots and lots of environmentally friendly websites.

This one is inspired by treehugger? (I don't make the rules)

Available on: Techfemina

We Love Sleep

Arg! Just realised that I have forgotten to blog about James Wilson's feedback. I had navigated him to my MAKE to TALK blog. On the 8th of April, we had a half hour conversation over the phone discussing current sleep issues, sleep products and help available to users.

The main thing that came across was that my clock had "clearly" been designed to help sleep quality- as with rest and relaxation the brain is able to switch off resulting in a higher quality of sleep. Most products ignore sleep issues where James admired and praised how mine tried to resolve them.

His main compliment was the removal of the clock interface. Many people clock watch which keeps them awake and unable to get good sleep. By simply removing it, I had removed the problem.

Sleep routine

I emailed a girl who is beginning to blog about achieving a sleep routine for her comments and feedback. She gave me some really great feedback via email and then went on to blog about it.

Available on: Amylovessleep

Her comments via email:

Based on what I've read, sleep experts seem to agree that (a) most people don't get enough sleep and; (b) having a good, regular sleep routine (and sticking to it) is key to a good night's sleep. This should include a wind down period before bed.

Creating an alarm clock which signals when to begin your bedtime routine, is a good one. I have personally just discovered the pleasures of taking time to wind down before bed and the benefits it brings - relieving stress and anxiety and helping to switch off a racing mind, making sleep easier. The idea of the nightime alarm corresponding with the morning alarm is also a good one I think, as this will encourage people to spend time relaxing before bed and will hopefully result in people getting more good quality sleep. I should say, however, that whilst programming the two alarms 9 hours apart would work for me (I'll happily sleep for 8 hours after a one hour wind down period), the amount of sleep that people need varies, so this might not work for everyone.

Also, I love the look of your product; it's so much cooler than standard alarm clocks and I like the idea of using natural products. The only thing I'm not sure about is the alarm sound - the idea of a drumming woodpecker alarm sound is unusual and fun, but how do you feel when the sound wakes you? A sound that jerks you awake (in the way that standard alarm clocks do) is not a pleasant way to start the day - I know, because my alarm tone on my mobile is horrible and wakes me with a jolt every morning (I really need to change it!). By moving the alarm clock next to different materials, can you create a soothing waking experience?


Available on: Gizmodo
(some em awesome comments)

Cool Gadgets

Available on: Cool Gadgets

Tree Hugger ! ! !

Available on: TreeHugger

Yanko ! ! !

Available on: Yanko Design


Available on: Trendhunter


Another site I have never heard off but again, these guys have written their own words to describe my product and they have included that video...

Available on: BSTdownload


My prototype video was uploaded to this site as well as all of my press images:

Available on the{design}blog


Article is available on PSFK

Design Spotter- votes are up

Design Sponge

Yay! Managed to get my work on a really nice crafty design blog and the editor wrote a really nice piece covering exactly what my product is. She totally gets it! Woop! AND she has even accessorized my "summer cabin feel".

My work is now on various blogs which replicate the article but more press is more press!

Article on: design sponge


More coverage
My website views and votes on design spotter are slowly rising!

However, finding it difficult to get my work on some really nice design blogs like NOTCOT which made some of my peers media coverage take off. I think this is because my work isn't industrial enough...going to target more sustainable and craft type design blogs and hope something will happen.

User Testing

Over the last 2 weeks I have been contacting potential users of my product to give me their thoughts on my work. I have managed to speak to a 13 year old, An elderly lady with a strong interest in bird watching (she also gave me a couple of insights at the start of FIND) and a night shift worker.

I hope to use this in my video...eek!


Design Spotter

I successfully uploaded my work onto Design Spotter and I have started to get some votes! ! !

Open: Output

My work is being featured on open:output


I have decided to remove the blue I had chosen for the website as it annoyingly changes colour on different screens!! Instead it is now a soft grey.

I have also decided to upload my prototype video from PLAY to try and help explain / show what my product sounds like...hopefully this helps!

Press Release

Press release is up on my website ready to be downloaded. This is also being sent to various design blogs. The images I am using are:

Tuesday, 20 April 2010


I am in the process of constructing my website. I am pleased with the right hand side bar, and need to pick a colour and format.

Here are a few screen shots...

and these screen shots show that it is all achieved through HTML code...boy was that a nice surprise!
as i have never done it before, i found a style sheet that decoded HTML and allowed me to make changes, in particular with the menu:

Press Release

This is me taking photos of my product for my press release.

Monday, 19 April 2010

Time dial

To complete the time dial, I laser cut a stencil, stuck it down then spray painted over the top.

Wednesday, 14 April 2010

Spray Painting

To add an improved finish to the solenoid pistons, I spray painted them a dark grey to almost match the tone of the bark.

Finished Brass Beak

To finish the brass beak, uniform scratches need to be made by following the usual sanding pattern used with wood. I started at 180 and finished on 400. The benefits of this is to identify scratches i did not put there.

My technique is to attach sand paper to a flat piece of MDF so as not loose definition of my beak. A critical eye is needed and a lot of patience as this takes hours.

Beak stand

As my model includes volume control in the form of beaks, I feel a stand is necessary.

I made a few prototypes before settling on the final one. To finish, I oiled it.

Wax Test

Before applying wax to my wooden surfaces, I checked it on a test piece first.

Last month, I did an oil test and found that the end grain absorbs oil differently to the side grain. This meant that the surface went darker. From my test, I learned that the wax does exactly the same...something i didn't think it would happen.

It is still too dark in comparison to the end grain that already has 3 coats. I beginning to question why i am wanting to apply a coat of wax... do i need it?!

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

The ONE show

The ONE show 13/04/10 episode continues to discuss the importance of sleep in teenagers. They have agreed that teenagers need more sleep than what they are currently getting. The school in Glasgow argues that they should get a better sleep cycle and go to bed earlier where another school has delayed school to 10am so they get more sleep.

The argument is if teenagers have their own body clock that differs to adults or is it just really bad?!

Monday, 12 April 2010

Brass Beak

This is very similar to making the elm beak except instead of using sand paper, I used a file. This beak is almost finished:

Friday, 9 April 2010

Tuesday, 6 April 2010

The brass beak

Engineering have shaped a brass cone for me to shape, like with the elm beak, into a beak shape.

Push Button

The outside seal has been made from engineering:

Crit Model

My model still needs to completed, but here shows my progress:

The front: push button on top still needs to be added and so does the etching on the time dial:

The side:

The back:here, the elm beak is inserted.